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Dormitory Furniture Installation & Removal
For more than 20 years, Windsor Worldwide has been providing dormitory furniture installation and removal solutions for colleges, universities, and military installations throughout the world. As an established GSA subcontractor, our goal is to help our higher education and government clients plan and manage dormitory upgrades or re-configurations by providing professional project managers with years of experience in dormitory and barracks furniture installation and removal services.
Our project managers have experience in:
Project Management
Dormitory furniture installation
Dormitory furniture removal and disposal, including mattresses

U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, Petaluma, CA

U.S. Coast Guard Training Center
Petaluma barracks bedroom furniture installation

U.S. Army Garrison Daegu Barracks, South Korea
Barracks furniture installation

U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, Petaluma, CA

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